Hair Transplant in Istanbul with FUE + PRP + Mesotherapy

Sapphire FUE

Sapphire FUE

Today, new technologies are used to have a more natural look hair transplant. FUE is the most modern hair transplantation technique. Sapphire FUE is one step forward.

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What is a sapphire punch? What are the advantages of it?

One of the important things for a natural look and successful result is opening the channels with sapphire punch.

Sapphire punch are manufactured using a chemical process wherein the final product is composed of artificial sapphire, one of the hardest substances available (sapphire punch are rated a “9” on the Mohs scale of relative mineral hardness, one level lower than the hardest and densest of materials, diamond). Other punch will cut 2500-5000 slits and begin to dull. It Will still cut but need a little force to go thru the skin and not create skin damage. When cutting in areas that still have hair follicles steel punch can cause more damage to existing follicles.

Sapphire punch with their smooth edge and sharp point will not damage existing hair, This is a very big advantage for sapphire. Sapphire punch are anti-microbial.

Sapphire FUE step by step:

When you come to our clinic, you will first meet Dr. Handan Yavuz. She will analyze your hair, ask for a blood test for a hair check-up. Dr. Handan will listen to your special requests. Also, the first question of “ The 6 Golden Questions” is answered before your hair transplantation: The ideal number of grafts for your procedure is calculated. Also, the areas and degree/level of your hair loss are determined. The transplantation areas planned to achieve your desired result.
Dr. Handan Yavuz determines the front line and other areas that will be transplanted according to the golden ratio technique.

At this step; the healthy hair follicles from the donor area are collected.

Also at the stage, the answers to” the golden questions” should be sought too. The technical equipment is chosen to keep the outage (loss) ratio of the extracted grafts to a minimum. At every step, Dr. Handan Yavuz makes and applies the necessary decisions to limit the graft outage to a minimum.

  • The extraction of the hair follicles with the FUE method is one of the main steps distinguishing FUE from earlier methods. With FUE, no linear incisions are made and the hair follicles are extracted individually. The selection of the surgical tools is important in terms of the graft outage ratios. Small incisions occur during the individual extraction. These small incisions heal in a very short time.
  • The extraction is not performed randomly; the hair follicles are collected at equal distances from the donor area. Thus, no asymmetry occurs when the hair grows.

After extracting healthy hair follicles from the donor area, grafts (follicles) are transplanted to the bald spots (which are determined in the first step)  In these bald areas, new hair will grow.

  • Very small incisions are made in the transplant area with sapphire blades and the grafts (the follicles) are placed within these incisions.
  • It is of utmost importance to choose the spots where the new follicles are to be placed and to place these follicles with the correct angle. These strategic issues are directly related to the natural look after hair transplant.
  • The most important area is the front hairline. It should be remembered that when you look at yourself in the mirror or meet someone else, the first spot to set eyes on is your face and the surrounding hair. Placement of the hairline according to the golden ratio is another criterion for a natural result.
  • Now that the transplant area is ready, it is time to transplant the grafts (i.e. the hair follicles extracted from the donor area).
  • Each graft collected from the donor area is placed one by one on pre-determined spots on the bald area.
  • At this stage, the hair strands should not be broken or damaged for the new hair strands to grow healthily. Also, placing the follicles in the appropriate areas with the natural angle is of utmost importance to achieve a satisfactory result.
  • It takes a week for the transplanted hair to settle the skin and have an optimum level of vascularisation. Hair will begin to grow during the first month. After that, hair will drop out while the follicles remain without leaving visible signs of hair transplant. It is normal for 100% of transplanted hair to fall during the first month after the procedure. The transplanted follicles go into rest for about 3 or 4 months until growth resumes. Afterward, hair starts growing normally. Hair grows at a rate of 10% of the number of transplanted hair per month following the third or fourth month after the procedure. At 12 months the hair growth reaches 90% growth, while the remaining 10%
    will do so in the next six months. It may take up to a year and a half to obtain a mature hair growth at which point you can appreciate the final results.

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Hair Transplant

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