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Aesthetic Dental Filling

Health Inside, Beauty Outside

Aesthetic dental filling is one of the most effective ways to achieve a perfect smile. This treatment is applied to repair tooth decay or fractures and preserve the natural appearance of the teeth. Fillings improve the form, size and color of your teeth, resulting in a healthier and more attractive smile.

Thanks to advanced dentistry techniques, they offer not only a functional solution but also a visual improvement. In this article, we will provide detailed information about the advantages of aesthetic dental filling, the application processes and the expected results.

What is Aesthetic Tooth Filling?

Aesthetic dental filling is a treatment used to repair decay or damage to the teeth and is made of materials compatible with the natural appearance of the tooth.

Unlike traditional metal fillings, it provides an integrated appearance with the teeth because it is made using tooth-colored materials such as composite resin or porcelain. Since these materials are very close to the color and structure of the tooth, it makes it difficult to distinguish the treated teeth from natural teeth.

Preferred Situations

  • Tooth decay
  • Tooth fracture
    Wear on teeth
  • Closing the gaps between teeth
  • Correction of the shape of the teeth


  • Natural tooth appearance
  • Resilience
  • Longevity
  • Easy implementation
  • Painless procedure

Aesthetic fillings are especially preferred for the removal of cavities and other aesthetic problems in the front teeth, because they increase the functionality of the tooth while preserving the aesthetic appearance. This treatment protects your teeth in terms of both health and aesthetics, allowing you to smile with confidence.

Is it a Safe Transaction?

Yes, it is safe to have aesthetic dental fillings. This procedure provides aesthetic and functional improvement while preserving the natural structure of the tooth. The procedures performed by specialized dentists have a high success rate.

What is the Difference from Amalgam Filling?

Dental filling is a widely used method for the treatment of decayed or damaged teeth. The most preferred filling types are white (composite) fillings and amalgam fillings. Both types have their own characteristics and advantages. Here are the main differences between them:

White Filling (Composite Filling)

  • Material: It is made of composite resin material. This material offers a more aesthetically appealing appearance because it is tooth-colored.
  • Aesthetic: Since it is tooth-colored, it harmonizes with natural teeth and an aesthetic appearance is obtained. It is especially preferred for front teeth.
  • Application: It is applied to the tooth in layers and each layer is hardened with a special light. This process adapts better to the tooth and results in less loss of tooth tissue.
  • Durability: Although it used to be less durable than amalgam fillings, its durability has been increased thanks to advanced composite materials.
  • Sensitivity: Reduced sensitivity to hot and cold foods.
  • Lifespan: With good care and regular check-ups, it can last between 5 and 10 years.
  • Cost: Generally more expensive than amalgam fillings.

Amalgam Filling

  • Material: Made from a mixture of metals such as mercury, silver, tin and copper. This mixture makes the filling hard and durable.
  • Aesthetics: It is less preferred aesthetically due to its metallic color. It is used especially in the back teeth.
  • Application: It is placed directly on the tooth and hardens over time. It completely fills the cavity inside the tooth and creates a strong structure.
  • Durability: Very durable and resistant to chewing forces. It usually lasts longer.
  • Sensitivity: Due to its metallic structure, it may cause sensitivity to hot and cold foods.
  • Lifespan: Can last 10 to 15 years or more.
  • Cost: Generally cheaper than white fillings.

Which Filling Type to Choose?

Which type of filling to choose depends on factors such as the location of the tooth, the patient’s aesthetic preferences, budget and the dentist’s recommendations. Both types aim to protect dental health and restore the functionality of the teeth.

If aesthetic concerns are at the forefront, composite fillings are preferred, while amalgam fillings may be preferred if durability and cost are more important.

What is the Most Suitable Material for Aesthetic Tooth Filling?

Composite resin provides a good balance of aesthetics and durability. Porcelain is more durable and long-lasting, but can cost more. You and your dentist can decide which material is right for you.

Features and Benefits of Aesthetic Dental Filling

This effective dental treatment is the modern treatment of choice in today’s dentistry. Its main features and benefits are as follows:

  • Natural Appearance: Because it is made using materials that are compatible with tooth color, it blends in with natural teeth. Composite resins or porcelain can mimic the natural color and shine of teeth, making them unnoticeable.
  • Enhanced Durability: Modern materials offer high durability and help protect teeth for many years. Composite resins, in particular, bond perfectly to the tooth structure and are resistant to chewing forces.
  • Low Sensitivity: Aesthetic fillings cause less tooth sensitivity than metal fillings. Since the thermal conductivity of the materials is low, the temperature changes caused by hot and cold foods are less transmitted into the tooth.
  • Consistent Aesthetics: It offers a long-term aesthetic solution when it does not change color over time. It is also less likely to be affected by staining foods and beverages such as cigarettes and coffee.
  • Minimal Procedure: It causes minimal damage to the healthy parts of the tooth. After the decayed part of the tooth is cleaned, the remaining healthy tooth tissue is maximally protected.
  • Fast and Effective Application: Procedures can usually be completed in a single visit. This means fewer clinic visits and faster recovery for patients.

These features have made aesthetic dental filling a popular dental treatment that meets both functional and aesthetic needs. The natural and healthy smile obtained after treatment positively affects the person’s self-confidence and social interactions.

In Which Situations is Aesthetic Tooth Filling Preferred? Who Can It Be Applied To?

Aesthetic tooth filling is a preferred treatment method for various conditions in dentistry. Here are the situations where it is frequently used:

  • Tooth Decay: The most common use is to clean tooth decay and fill the empty space. It is preferred to achieve an aesthetic result, especially on visible teeth.
  • Tooth Fractures and Cracks: Small fractures or cracks in the teeth can be repaired with filling materials. This improves the appearance of the tooth while preserving its structure.
  • Wear and Erosion: Surface loss due to wear or erosion can be restored. This treatment makes the teeth look healthier and smoother.
  • Tooth Discoloration: Discoloration or staining of certain teeth can be masked using aesthetic fillings. This method can also be applied in combination with teeth whitening procedures.
  • Tooth Deformities: Congenital or acquired tooth deformities can be corrected and a smoother tooth row can be obtained.
  • Gaps Between Teeth: Interdental gaps, which pose an aesthetic problem especially in the front teeth, can be filled with aesthetic filling materials to provide a more harmonious smile.

By offering both functional improvements and aesthetic enhancements, these treatments can significantly improve individuals’ dental health and smile aesthetics. The treatment strikes an ideal balance between health and beauty, preserving the natural appearance of the teeth.

How Permanent is Aesthetic Tooth Filling?

The durability of fillings may vary depending on the material used, the location of the tooth where the filling is placed, the patient’s oral health habits and external factors such as eating and drinking on the teeth. Generally, they can last between 5 and 10 years under the right care and appropriate conditions. However, some factors can affect its lifespan in this process:

  • Material Quality: The quality of the materials (composite resin, porcelain, ceramic) used in aesthetic fillings is an important factor in the longevity of the filling.
  • Accuracy of Application: How accurately and precisely the procedure is applied is also effective on its lifespan.
  • Patient Habits: The patient’s oral care routine, how well he/she cleans his/her teeth, and regular check-ups are among the factors that prolong the life of the procedure.
  • Nutrition Habits: Consuming hard, sticky and abrasive foods can cause premature wear or damage to fillings. Also, frequent consumption of very hot or very cold foods can shorten the life of the material.
  • Teeth Clenching and Grinding: Also known as bruxism, teeth clenching and grinding habits can shorten the life of the filling.

To prolong the life of the filling, regular visits to the dentist, maintaining good oral hygiene habits and avoiding risky eating habits are important. Quickly consulting the dentist when any problems are noticed helps fillings to stay healthy for longer.

Does Filling Change Color Over Time?

Composite fillings can change color over time due to substances such as tea, coffee, cigarettes. However, porcelain fillings usually do not change color and maintain their aesthetic appearance for a long time. To prevent discoloration, it is important to follow regular oral care and your dentist’s recommendations.

What are the Types of Aesthetic Tooth Filling?

Aesthetic dental fillings are made using a variety of materials, each offering advantages according to different needs and preferences. These fillings enhance the functionality of teeth while maintaining their natural appearance. The two most common types:

Composite Filling

Composite fillings are fillings made of a resin mixture that blends with tooth color and hardens with light. They are especially preferred for front teeth because their colors easily blend with the natural color of the tooth and offer an aesthetic appearance.

During its application, it is applied directly to the surface of the tooth and hardened with UV light. By providing a perfect color match and a texture similar to the natural tooth structure, it offers a superior aesthetic in terms of appearance. However, they may be less durable than porcelain fillings and may undergo discoloration over time.

Porcelain Filling

Porcelain fillings are fillings made of tooth-colored ceramic material and applied to the damaged part of the tooth. Porcelain is more durable and has higher color stability than composite resins.

It is pre-prepared in the laboratory to fit perfectly on the damaged surface of the tooth and bonded to the tooth. This type is highly resistant to wear and stains and retains its aesthetic appearance for many years.

Although they are usually more costly, they are preferred for their natural look and longevity.

Both types offer excellent options to meet the aesthetic and functional needs of the tooth. The dentist will recommend the most suitable one according to the patient’s specific needs and aesthetic expectations.

How is Aesthetic Tooth Filling Done?

Aesthetic dental filling is an important treatment method in dentistry, both aesthetically and functionally. This procedure is applied to clean tooth decay, repair broken or damaged teeth and preserve the natural appearance of the teeth.

It provides a healthier and more attractive smile by restoring the color, shape and functionality of the teeth. Each stage of the procedure is carried out in a way that best suits the natural structure and appearance of the teeth. The procedure is done as follows:

The first step is for the dentist to examine your teeth and assess the damage. During this examination, cavities, fractures or cracks in your teeth will be detected and the internal structure of the tooth will be examined in detail by taking X-rays. Based on these assessments, your dentist will determine the appropriate material and treatment plan.

After the examination, local anesthesia is applied to the area around the tooth to be treated, so that the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure.

Under the influence of anesthesia, the dentist removes decayed or damaged tooth tissue. In this step, special dental instruments are used to remove all decayed areas and weak tooth tissue. Cleaning the tooth and making it suitable for filling is completed at this stage.

Once the tooth has been cleaned and preparation is complete, the selected filling material is applied to the tooth. If a composite filling is used, the material is placed on the tooth in layers and each layer is hardened with a special light. If a porcelain filling is used, the filling prepared in the laboratory beforehand is bonded to the tooth.

Once the filling material has been applied to the tooth, the dentist ensures that the filling fits the tooth and restores the tooth’s natural shape. At this stage, the material is shaped and polished until a smooth surface is obtained. The biting surface of the tooth is also checked to ensure that the process is compatible with the other teeth.

Finally, the dentist checks the patient’s comfort. After the anesthesia wears off, the patient can use the tooth normally and the procedure is completed. After the procedure is performed, the patient continues with his/her daily oral care routine and is advised to visit the dentist at regular intervals.

The procedure not only keeps your teeth healthy, but also gives them an aesthetically appealing appearance. This process preserves the natural structure of your teeth, allowing you to have a healthy and beautiful smile.

How long does the process take?

The filling usually takes between 30 minutes and 1 hour, depending on the condition of the tooth and the number of teeth to be filled. In some cases, it may take longer for more complex treatments.

Is it a Painful Procedure?

Since local anesthesia is applied during the procedure, you will not feel any pain. There may be a slight tenderness after the procedure, but this will disappear in a short time.

How Long Should I Not Eat After Aesthetic Tooth Filling?

It is recommended not to eat for about 1 hour to allow the filling material to fully harden. This time may vary depending on the material the filling is made of.

It is also recommended not to smoke for at least 24 hours. Smoking can have a negative effect on the color and longevity of the fillings.

Can it be done together with teeth whitening?

Aesthetic tooth filling and tooth whitening are different procedures. Since there will be no color change in the teeth that are filled, teeth whitening should be performed before filling. Fillings made after whitening adapt to your tooth color.

Care After Aesthetic Dental Filling

In addition to improving the health and appearance of the teeth, aesthetic dental filling provides a long-lasting and durable treatment. However, it is important to pay attention to certain care habits to increase the permanence and functionality of the procedure. Care recommendations to be considered after the application:

  • Tooth Brushing: Brush your teeth at least twice a day, preferably with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
    Flossing: Flossing is important for removing plaque and food debris between teeth. Be careful when cleaning around your fillings and floss gently.
  • Mouthwash: Antibacterial mouthwashes help reduce bacteria in the mouth and prevent plaque buildup.
  • Avoid Hard and Sticky Foods: Hard foods (e.g., ice, hard candies) and sticky foods (e.g., caramel, chewing gum) can damage or dislodge your fillings.
  • Caution with Hot and Cold Foods: Avoid extremely hot or cold foods and drinks for the first few days after treatment. Such foods may increase the sensitivity of your fillings.
  • Periodic Checkups: Visit your dentist regularly. Your dentist will check if your fillings are in good condition and if any repairs or replacements are needed.
  • Bruxism Check: If you have a habit of clenching or grinding your teeth, you can talk to your dentist about preventive measures such as night guards.
  • Check Your Fillings: If you notice any cracks, fractures or signs of wear on the surface of your fillings, contact your dentist immediately.
  • Smoking: Smoking can cause staining of your teeth and shorten the life of your fillings. Quitting smoking will be beneficial for your overall oral health.
  • Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to dry mouth and poor dental health. Balanced and moderate alcohol consumption is better for your dental health.

By paying attention to these care recommendations after aesthetic dental filling, you can maintain the durability and aesthetic appearance of your fillings for a long time. Regular oral care and dental check-ups ensure you have a healthy and attractive smile.

İstanbul Estetik Diş Dolgusu Fiyatları 2024

Aesthetic dental filling is a treatment method preferred to protect dental health and to have a more aesthetically attractive smile. Prices in Istanbul may vary depending on the scope of the treatment, the material used, the experience of the dentist and the location of the clinic. Here are the factors affecting aesthetic dental filling prices and general price ranges in Istanbul for 2024:

  • Filling Material: The filling material is a factor that significantly affects the cost of treatment. Composite resin is generally a more economical option than porcelain fillings.Composite fillings are frequently preferred due to their affordable cost and aesthetic appearance. Porcelain fillings, on the other hand, are generally higher priced because they are more durable and aesthetically superior. Filling costs may vary depending on the materials used and treatment requirements.
  • Dentist’s Experience and Expertise: The experience and expertise of the dentist is an important factor affecting the cost of treatment. Specialized dentists and those experienced in aesthetic dentistry charge higher fees.
  • Clinic Location and Service Quality: Aesthetic dental filling prices may be higher in dental clinics with modern technologies located in the central areas of Istanbul.
  • Scope of Treatment and Number of Teeth: The number of teeth to be treated and the scope of the treatment are also among the factors affecting prices. In addition, the condition of the tooth to be filled, the extent of decay or damage also affect the cost.
  • Extra Procedures and Care: In some cases, there may be additional procedures that need to be performed before or after aesthetic application. For example, procedures such as teeth cleaning, root canal treatment or whitening can increase the cost of treatment.

These prices are presented for general information and will be clarified after your examination with your dentist. If you are considering having aesthetic dental filling in Istanbul, you can call us for detailed information and a price quote.

Kliniğimiz Hakkında

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As Medlook, we provide services in the field of dental health and aesthetics with years of experience and expertise. Under the leadership of Dr. Handan Yavuz, our clinic aims to offer the highest quality and modern dental treatments to our patients by closely following the latest technological developments. We are happy to be with you at every step with our specialized physicians, strong technological infrastructure, sterile procedure rooms in accordance with hygiene conditions, comprehensive range of services and high patient satisfaction.

We are here to give you, our valued patients, healthy, beautiful and confident smiles. You can contact us for more information about our clinic and to make an appointment. We will be happy to welcome you in our modern and friendly environment.

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