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Wrinkle Solutions

Wrinkle Treatment

Wrinkle Solutions are obtained from the bacteria called “Clostridium botulinum” in the laboratory. And is using for medical treatments and cosmetic applications.

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In the 1960s wrinkle solutions are used for strabismus treatment, in the 1980s Wrinkle Solutions started to used for medical esthetic applications.

And today Botulinum toxin is actually an FDA-approved medicine and safely applied in cosmetic applications, sweating treatments, migraine treatments and anal fissure treatments.

Mode of Action

Wrinkle Solutions are a prescription medicine, which is injected into your muscles and used to cover up frown lines between the eyebrows in adults.
So how does it work? Wrinkle Solutions injections are weakening or paralyzing certain muscles or blocking certain nerves. Depending on what you are treating, the effects can last three to twelve months. Injections in the face may also cause temporary drooping eyelids.
Usual injection places include the forehead, the area between the eyebrows, the corners of the eyes, and the sides of the chin.
The product is most effective on creases that haven’t quite set yet. It is also very effective on dynamic wrinkles that appear while you’re moving your face, such as when you frown. If you don’t move the muscle too much, you won’t form the wrinkle. Wrinkle Solutions are considered to be preventive.

Before & After

Before After
Before After
Before After

Where on the Face Can Wrinkle Solutions be Injected?

Upper face:


Lower Face:

When is the Right Time for Wrinkle Solutions?

The growing trend among teenagers and young adults getting Wrinkle Solutions injections has some questioning when the right time is to seek treatment. The outcome of Wrinkle Solutions largely depends on the patient.

People age differently and develop aging signs at different stages. As such, there is no right or wrong time to get Wrinkle Solutions. However, despite a significant number of successful procedures on teenagers, many professional doctors advise simply start treatment as soon as aging signs begin to appear.

For most people, lines or wrinkles begin to appear in the late 20s and early 30s. Some may delay further to the late 30s and early 40s. Since the lines are minimal at the start, lower doses of botulinum toxin are used to treat the aging effects in younger individuals.
The best way to determine the right time to start the procedure is to seek professional help from a qualified doctor.

The application:

The Facts About Wrinkle Solutions:

How Long Does Wrinkle Solutions Last?

How long Wrinkle Solutions lasts will be different for everyone. It also depends on the areas treated, and how many units were injected. On average, most Wrinkle Solutions last between two and six months.

Istanbul Hair Institute Wrinkle Solutions Rooms

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